
About us
Provide the best solution with advanced technical skills and know-how.


Specializing in control measurement and evaluation systems in the automotive and
electronic communication industries
, we manufacture and supply the best products that meet customer needs.

since 2001
  • 회사설립


    September 2003
  • 본사 위치

    Head office location

    338 C-dong 9th floor
    (Gwanggyo Uminube)
    in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, korea
  • 사업영역

    Business areas

    Measurement and evaluation in automotive and telecommunication industries
  • 연락처

    Contact information

    TEL. +82.31.7374.750
계측 솔루션

Instrumentation solution

In order to improve the stability and performance of automobiles,
we are trying to make a great contribution to the measurement and
evaluation of the domestic automotive industry through technical
alliances with overseas partners with the best technology.
테스트 솔루션

Test solution

To complete its goal of achieving traffic accident fatality zero
("Vision Zero"), Techways will become an important business partner
of the autonomous driving and eco-friendly automobile industry by
studying and developing the best test solutions that can be the
foundation of the future automobile industry.