
계측 솔루션
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자동차의 기능 테스트를 보다 효과적으로 측정 할 수 있게 지원하는 전문 솔루션입니다.

주요 사업
  • 차량용 이더넷

  • V2X

  • 자동화

  • GNSS

  • WIFI

  • 고속 이더넷

제품 검색
Spirent TTsuite-ITS-G5
ITS G5 프로토콜 검증을 위한 테스트 솔루션 입니다.

²  Features

n  ETSI TTCN-3 Conformance Test Suite for

u  Transmission of IP packets over GeoNetworking (GN6)

u  Cooperative Awareness Basic Service (CA)

u  Decentralized Environmental Notification Basic Service (DEN)

u  GeoNetworking Basic Transport Protocol (BTP)

u  GeoNetworking ITS-G5 (GN)

u  Facilities layer protocols and infrastructure services (MAPEM/SPATEM, IVIM, SREM/SSEM)

u  TS 102 867 and TS 102 941 Security Testing

n  Free codec and adaptation based on the validation done by ETSI

n  Direct Ethernet communication for protocol messages and UDP communication for upper tester communication

u  Freely exchangeable

u  Wired (Ethernet) communication with the Device Under Test or radio communication via DSRC Radio Hardware (e.g. Cohda MK5) + Bridge software

n  Platform-independent in using Java (existing ETSI adaptation implementation)

u  Usage of ANSI C as adaptation possible as well

n  Freely combinable with additional test access (TTplugins)


²  Benefits

n  Ensure the conformance of an implementation or a system based on ETSI test specifications (required for interoperability at ETSI PlugTests™)

n  Fast and simple test execution and analysis

n  Repeatability of tests and full support of test automation

n  Platform independence and rapid integration in existing test environments

n  Flexibility through usage of the constantly evolving standardized test notation TTCN-3

²  Base Specification

n  ETSI TS 102 636-4-1: Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Vehicular Communications; GeoNetworking; Part 4: Geographical addressing and forwarding for point-to-point and point-to-multipoint communications; Sub-part 1: Media independent functionalities


²  Target Audience

n  Companies supplying or testing ITS technology


²  Requirements

n  Test System: WAVE-DSRC Radio with Bridge Software (e.g. Cohda Wireless MK5)

n  DUT: Upper Tester functionality implemented via Test Control Interface (TCI)

u  Necessary to execute selected test cases

²  Test Specifications (Parts 1/2/3*)

n  ETSI TS 102 859-3 V1.2.1: Conformance test specifications for Transmission of IP packets over GeoNetworking (GN6)

n  ETSI TS 102 868-3 V1.4.1: Conformance test specifications for Cooperative Awareness Basic Service (CA)

n  ETSI TS 102 869-3 V1.5.1: Conformance test specification for Decentralized Environmental Notification Basic Service (DEN)

n  ETSI TS 102 870-3 V1.1.1: Conformance test specifications for GeoNetworking Basic Transport Protocol (BTP)

n  ETSI TS 102 871-3 V1.4.1: Conformance test specifications for GeoNetworking ITS-G5 (GN)

n  ETSI TS 103 096-3 V1.3.1: Conformance test specification for ITS Security

n  ETSI TS 103 191-3 V1.2.1: Conformance test specifications for Facilities layer protocols and communication requirements for infrastructure services (MAPEM/SPATEM, IVIM, SREM/SSEM)

*Part 1: Test requirements and Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)

*Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP)

*Part 3: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT)


²  Reference Platforms

n  Java 8

n  Microsoft Windows 7/8/10

n  Linux (GTK2, x86-32, x86-64)